
Friday, December 7, 2012

(9th) Weekend Discussion #14

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

CONSIDER: Explain Lincoln's thoughts; what responsibilities do we have for the things that we say? Are we responsible for what other's have to say, and do we have the right to be offended by a different opinion? 

Please consider that we have learned three essential parts necessary to answer a question:
  • Idea statement (similar to a thesis; summarizes your point)
  • Evidence (in this case, the evidence is your experience and knowledge)
  • Explanation (combine with evidence to prove your point)

Use this format to answer these weekend discussions from now on; please also do these things:
  • Use a pseudonym (pen name) and not your real name when posting,
  • Respond to someone else’s answer whenever possible, and
  • Be polite and positive at all times!

You have until Monday, December 10, 2012 @ 5:00 PM to comment on this posting. At 5:00 comments will close.


  1. I think it is saying that when you remain silent, you can only be thought a fool. When you actually speak out, there will actually be no doubt that you are a fool depending on what you're saying. We are responsible for what we say not what others say because in the long run, you will be the one negatively affected by what you said. I believe we have a right to be offended by what other people's opinions, but we should not take it into our responsibility, take it to another level, and make it our own problem.

  2. i think it means you have to think before you speak. if you don't say anything, the most people can do is accuse you of being a fool compared to you saying something moronic. i agree with koolaidkid319 by saying that we are responsible for what we say.

  3. brandon grudecki

    i think this quote means you need to think before you speak
    but you need to say something or people think you weird and also agree with redho od and koolaidkid319 by saying you should own up to what with we say and do.

  4. I'm just going to add onto what koolaidkid319 said; I do believe that those who don't speak out are fools. and this doesn't JUST apply to personal behavior. If someone you know is being bullied and you keep quiet, i'd think of you as a fool. Then again, i think what lincoln was trying to say was that it's better to stay quiet about something (to not get involved) than to put your word in and have everyone disagree or turn against you. for example, if you kept quiet about your sexuality, people would think you're silly or they might call you gay, but if you come out and SAY you're gay, then everyone will make fun of you. They will taunt you. He is saying it is better to keep quiet about these things, to fit in, than to stand out. I disagree.

  5. from t_cute:

    I think some times it's okay to be silent and not always talk,because that's how most mess and drama get started is from somebody opening their mouth,and saying something stupid that was not suppose to be said.I definately think you should think before you speak.But you are responsible for what ever comes out your mouth.

    1. What Lincoln is saying is that the things you say can cause people to look at you certain way. So it's best not to say something that you know doesn't make sense or is negative because it can and will cause people to look at you in a not so positive way. You are responsible for what you say because what you say is your choice and your choice only because nobody can make you say something you control your mouth. With that being said you are not responsible for what others say because you can't control them.You do have the right to be offended by someones else opinion because it could be inappropiate or offensive.

  6. I think he's saying that if you're silent, people will think you're weird because never speak out. I you never speak then you won't make a fool of yourself. If you speak out, then there might be some people that might get offended by it. I agree with t_cute because you really should think before you speak.

    1. i forgot to put "you" between "because" and "never"

  7. I'm guessing that this quote means that you can keep an opinion to yourself and they can't judge you by your silence, but speaking your opinions aloud on the matter can have you judged, in this case, as a fool. Some of the discussions that you can take part in results in a positive or negative manner from further discussion, maybe reflected off from your own words, can possibly turn to a completely opinion that you don't condone of. Whether you should be offended by said opinion or not, depending on its nature, you could openly discuss on the matter to attempt to understand further to get a better view of the matter.

  8. I agree with blowfish, because i sse what there talking about when they say that if your silent people think your weird because i have seen this first hand, but if you talk an say something that dose not make since then people will still take you as a fool, but if your silent they may think you to be a fool but they really dont know if you are until you talk. I think that the messag is talk but when you do be careful what you say so that people want take you as a fool.

  9. I think thats is true but at the same time it sounds weired because it say better to remain silent than act a fool. in my opinion if you think your going to act a fool, just doin do it at all.

  10. Silence leaves mstery to the person and no one can no fro sure but to think they are odd but when speaking out everyone will know so always think before you speak

  11. I agree with luijasso and bowfis. also when you are having a conversation it is better to leave something not said said for argument purpose. for example if i said something incorrect in a conversation about the mass of and eye and we have been talking for 46 min straight i would not correct myself and continue. because if the person understand what I'm saying then it truly doesn't matter. but also i see how a person can dressage with the quote because a close mouth dose not get feed and they almost never pick the quite shy one for a job you have TO BE ABLE TO GET YOUR POINT Across so if you are afraid of talking loud you most likely lost the chance oh the jib you want to a person who speaks loud and clear.

  12. i also agree with luijasso because if you happen to not know what your talking about then when you do speak on something and its wrong you feel embarrassed and maybe addressed to having a title of being a fool in peoples mind rather than being quite and and listening to others speak and considering what they have from a different perspective and then concluding what you've you learned. listen instead of talking

  13. It is better to be silent.I can be silent and everyone can think what they want of me, but if i were to speak of nothingness, everyone would know that i am a fool. They can think all they want of me because of my silence. maybe I'm the einstein of the group, but when you speak stupidly, you are giving something they can back up their theories with, they would have nothing against me if i gave them nothing to prove with.

  14. from Monroe98:

    This quote teaches us to be responsible for our words and to be consciences of what we say to insure that we don't say something unintelligent that could potentially get us into a not so great situation. Although we are not in control of other people's opinions that does not mean we have to discriminate against a person because of that. Opinions are called opinions for a reason. They aren't fact they are just apart of how a person feels and views a certain situation. I agree a great deal with redhood because if you keep your mouth shut and wait for the perfect moment to speak your mind people will be more likely to listen to what you have to say and you will have more time to put together the most educated response. =
