
Friday, September 14, 2012

(9th and 10th) Weekend Discussion #4

Surprise!! This week will be a combined discussion. I will be interested to see the debate between freshmen and sophomores over these little gems:

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man
knows himself to be a fool."
- William Shakespeare

“Who is the bigger fool – the fool, or the fool who follows him?”
- Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, Star Wars

CONSIDER: What makes a fool? How is someone determined to be “wise”? Are there different types of wisdom, like intelligence? How does someone become a “fool” or a “wise man”?

Remember to do the following:
·         Use a pseudonym (pen name) and not your real name when posting,
·         Be detailed in your responses by using experience or evidence as support,
·         You may respond to the question or someone else's posted answer, and
·         Be polite and positive at all times!


  1. "A fool is a fool by any other name"---No matter how you treat or what you teach them, a fool never learns...not because it can't but because it chooses not to.
    A wise man is a man who learns from the fool and applies it into their life. Wisdom is in everything and no there is as many types of wisdom as many who want to learn it. Personally, no one "becomes" wise or a fool, I believe. People learn yet if they can't apply they are not wise, and if people can apply but not learn something then they are not really a fool...are they?

  2. I agree with After All this Time...Always, and think that, in resonse to Shakespeare's quote specifically, it refers to how there is always something more for people to learn, though the fool might think otherwise.

  3. I think a fool is a person who thinks he knows everything like in the first quote "the fool doth think he is wise." I think no one can be determind as wise because "the wise man knows himself to be a fool." I dont really know the answer to the third question, but for the last I think I already answered it in my first sentence.

  4. RedHood
    i think fools think they know more than others while others actually learn

  5. We are fools at times, because we all make mistakes because we are not perfect. However you become wiser as you start learning from your mistakes & apply your knowledge in the future for wiser decisions. So only the educated person will acknowledge that they are still a fool in certain situations versus the everyday fool, who never recognizes their mistakes and therefore does not progress in their daily life. But at the end of the day “ Aren’t we all fools?”

  6. Hello123
    A fool is someone who makes a mistake but refuses to change it in the future. A wise man is one who makes mistakes but learns from it and applies the lesson learned to their future actions.In my opinion, there are different types of wisdom. Everyone has wisdom, but they may choose not to apply it or they may use the wisdom to their benefits.

  7. We all can act like a fool at certain times, but the actual fool is the person the follows everyone and doesn't have their own personality. A person like this is the true fool

  8. from Jortiz16:

    I agree with lil Scooby20 a fool can be anyone at any time but the real fool is the follower because he or she has no personality and follows another fool thus becomih the fool.

  9. from Destroyer619:

    Everyone makes mistakes, even me. However, if you don't learn from that mistake and keep repeating it, it becomes foolish. A wise man would learn from his mistake and finds ways to correct his mistake. There can be different ways to be wise or smart such as:intelligence, participation, concentration, and remembrance. Someone wise, for example would get the work there teachers or mentors give them, complete it, and learn from it. A fool, however would get the work, complete it, and throw it aside and forget about it. Be wise, and never foolish.

  10. from nintendo144gms:

    I guess a fool is someone who doesn’t have common sense or wisdom. some people can be wise by enlisting the help of other wise people and gaining knowledge about their ways. there is one wisdom besides intelligence and that is common sense. common sense is about using your wisdom and figuring out a future situation you are in. a fool is someone who didn’t use his wisdom for his problems, and a wise man try to know the outcome of his situation. I dropped a soda can down the stairs and mess up part of the staircase. but I cleaned the mess up and told my parents about it, which a wise man would do rather than a fool.

  11. A fool is a fool for their actions and their amount of knowledge/common sense and nothing else makes them a fool, but a wise man is wise due to his education and act of being serious to life. Fools can be smart and act dumb where as wise men are constantly wise yet may act secluded. As far as wisdom goes, there are so many types to many to count wisdom is for every thing in the world. Fools are not born a fool yet they turn due to a crowd liking their little show and wise men are not born wise they earn their wisdom by attending school or college and that is my sight on fools and wisdom.

  12. from Bang123:

    i think that a fool is a person who doesnt wanna try at something but maybe a wise "man" is someone who puts forth an effoort.

  13. A fool doesnt think about what he or she does they just do whatever with no regret not thinking about the consequences they just do but a wise man knows what their mistakes are in life. Someone becomes a fool when the live and do everythin in life without caring or thinking about what their doing but a wise man thinks and learn from their mistakes and dont make the same mitakes twice.

  14. a fool is some who acts with out a sense but knows hes doing it but a wise man is some one who has sense and is caring for others

  15. from ninjastar318:

    Basically a fool is a idiotic person, and a wise man will find ways to learn from their mistakes, gaining lots of knowledge. A person is wise by having intelligence and using it in useful ways. Another person is a fool by actually having knowledge and not using it in smart ways.

  16. from LyricalMice:

    i will say a fool will think he has all the knowledge he needs to succeed, but a wise man will think he needs more to go on with his life style because as we grow in life we grow in knowledge and understanding

    for the second one i will say to biggest fool is the follower because the fool wouldn't be a fool if the follower had discouraged him from being a fool

  17. from tiny_luv:

    Question:What makes a fool? How is someone determined to be “wise”? Are there different types of wisdom, like intelligence? How does someone become a “fool” or a “wise man”?

    Answer: A fool can come in different ways and act in different ways, but most importantly if you are considered ''wise'' then you stay away from the bad things, you've done so many good things in your life that you have followers meaning people who want to be like you or want to even hear your voice. There can be different types of wisdom words, but to me they mean the same thing ! If your a ''fool'' you do stupid things and make stupid choices, but a ''wise man'' may make mistakes but might have done it for the right reason ( just to give an example).

  18. from Monroe98:

    I think that these quotes are saying that part of being wise is knowing that people make mistakes including ourselves and that nobody knows everything or is perfect. As for the second quote I totally think the fool who follows the fool is the biggest fool!!! because he is not only being a fool himself but committing foolishness again by following a fool!
